Privacy & Policy

Your Data Is Safe with Us!!

With due respect to the privacy of its users, the Wintrack Bikes website,, abstain from getting personal information from users without their denotative consent. Wintrack Bikes does not distribute, sell or rent any personal information collected via its website. This is also true for personal information (email address, postal address, etc.) sent to the website’s email address, and contact note, Wintrack Bikes does not send unsolicited emails to users of its site, and the personal information entered via the site’s registration forms such as feedback from, complaint form, etc., is protected by security feature.

Policy on Cookies

Wintrack Bikes website studies total usage data to find out how often and when site content is requested or visited. It does not use persistent cookies (text cookies) or session cookies for the purpose of tracking the usage of its site. A persistent cookie, or text cookie, is a file that might contain user information. It is stored on a user’s computer. Wintrack Bikes website uses session cookies (session cookies are not stored on a user’s computer).

On-line surveys

For a better understanding of the needs and profile of our visitors, we conduct online surveys. When we conduct the survey, we will try to let the user know how we shall use said information at the time of collecting information from the user on the Internet. However, the same is not obligatory on our part. The user recognizes and understands that there is no compulsion on their part to provide us with their personal information and all personal information provided by them to us is with their full consent, own will and desire to provide such personal information. They also understand that we are under no obligation to verify the source from which the personal information about them is provided to us and is deemed to be provided by them.

Links to other websites

Wintrack Bikes’ website may contain links to other sites and we try to link only those sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy. We are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices used by other sites.

Changes to the “Privacy Statement”

With effect from the future, Wintrack Bikes reserves the right to change this privacy statement from time to time. When we do, we will also revise the “Date of Updation” date at the top of this privacy statement. For material changes to this privacy statement, we will notify placing a notice on this Web Site.


Wintrack Bikes endeavors to take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, we do not warrant or represent that your personal information is completely safe from hackers and other security threats.


The Company may alert the Users by email or phone (through SMS/call/WhatsApp) to inform the users about new services offerings or other information which the Company feels might be useful for the users. You can always opt-out of the services by sending an e-mail to that effect at

Data Protection

We have in place appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards and security measures to protect the personal data you provide on this Website against accidental, unauthorized or unlawful loss, destruction, damage, alteration, access, disclosure or use, and any other unlawful forms of processing.


When purchasing products or services through the Website, you may be required to provide us with personal data, such as your name, address, billing information (i.e., credit card information and billing address) shipping address, email address, and birth date.

Log Information

When you access our website, our servers automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website. These server logs may include information such as your web request, internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.

Your Responsibility for the Information You Provide

You may complete a registration process as part of your use of this Website which may include the creation of a username, password, and/or other identification information. Any username, password, and/or other identification information must be kept confidential by you and must not be disclosed to, or shared with, anyone.

For Facebook & Twitter

The contents on the Facebook/Twitter page/account are for general reference purposes and do not constitute any binding commitment or the specifically endorsed views of Wintrack Bikes Limited (Company). The views expressed by other persons, followers, and 3rd parties on this page are individual opinions and the Company does not take responsibility for the same.

Any views, advice, and tips rendered on the page are free of cost based upon general experience and need not specifically meet all the requirements of any person, or visitor. The views expressed are general in nature and require no kind of fees or payment.

The Company and its operations including the contents of the page are subject to the laws of the Republic of India and related regulations. The conditions of use and all other ‘Facebook’ / ‘Twitter Terms and Conditions continue to apply in addition to the above.

All content posted by the Company including but not limited to the software, programming code, media relating to the Page, Promotion-related communications, etc. are protected by the applicable proprietary laws such as copyright law, trademark law, patent law and competition.

The Company exclusively reserves the right to change or modify the applicable terms and conditions without prior notice.

This page is in not endorsed or sponsored or administered by, or associated with, Facebook / Twitter.

The Company reserves the right to use the information received from any user or 3rd party on the page for its own purposes including but not limited to brand communication & product development.

Any personal information shared with the Company on the page of the Company, whether public or private, shall not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other Company however the Company shall have the right to make reference & use of the information for its own purposes only. All disclosures would be deemed to have given the Company the voluntary rights of use by the Company for its own purposes.

The Company shall maintain suitable security measures for the safety of personal information and other disclosures when any 3rd person enters, submits, or accesses personal information.

All disclosures & measures required/necessitated under law, for enforcement of page policies, for protecting the Company’s interest or others rights, property, or for safety purposes will be taken by the Company unilaterally without any obligation towards intimation or information to the 3rd persons or parties.

The page, page code, and any and all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, and all other intellectual property or material or property rights therein are proprietary to the Company and are owned by the Company and/or its licensors and content providers, and are protected by applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. The depiction of such proprietary content does not permit or allow any user or person (whatsoever) to make any use of the same without prior written permission of the Company in any manner or reference or context.

Limitation of Liability under No Circumstance, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall the Company be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, or consequential damages that result from

the use of, or the inability to use, including but not limited to the information, materials on the page, page content, page code, user services or the software. While the Company shall take reasonable precautions against security breaches, no webpage or internet transmission is completely secure, and as such, the Company shall not be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, or consequential damages that may result from unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches that may occur.

All disputes, if any, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts in Delhi, India only.

By accessing the page of the Company, the users, persons and 3rd parties agree and undertake to act responsibly and cause no harm, loss or damage to the Company. In the event that the Company incurs any loss, harm or damage then the company shall be in right to take appropriate steps to identify the person(s) involved and seek indemnity and compensation for all loss, claim, demand, damage, costs, charges (including legal fees and charges) or prejudice that may be caused to the Company on account of misuse of the page and the consequent effect upon the Company.

For any contests or promotions, the decision of the Company and the terms and conditions of the specific contest/promotion shall be binding on all participants. The Company shall not entertain any grievance or concerns in this regard and the decision of the Company (as resolved under applicable terms and conditions) shall be final and binding.

Acceptance or participation in the contest, promotions, or other features on the page will constitute permission to the Company to use the name, relevant details, and/or photographs and/or likeness for purposes of publicity, advertising, and/or trade without any claim for compensation or notice.

Any participant or user or 3rd party who is suspected of any illegal act such as hacking, etc. would immediately deal with by the Company in the manner as deemed suitable by the Company.

The Company is not making any warranties of any kind whatsoever whether express or implied, on this page with regards to the meeting of the 3rd party requirements or aspirations, timeliness, security, uninterrupted-ness, error-free, the results or reliability, or the delivery, quality, quantity, merchantability, fitness for use or non-infringement in respect of any goods, services, emoluments, benefits or awards acquired or obtained through the page or any transactions effected through the page.

Copyright © Wintrack Bikes. All Rights Reserved.

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